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Weekend Edition, December 30-31, 2023


Wilson’s Folly, the Washington Hegemon, and Why There Is Still No Peace on Earth

David Stockman

Trump-Biden: Tag Team

James Anthony

How Yemen Changed Everything

Pepe Escobar

2024: Navigating the Storm

Helena Glass

Nuclear War Could Come Unexpectedly!

Milan Adams

Toddler Obesity Is on the Rise

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Democrats Facing Election Wipeout Resort To Desperate Actions

Paul Craig Roberts

Was 9/11 a False Flag?

Michel Chossudovsky

Do You Dare Even Look? — Forecast 2024

James Howard Kunstler

This Will Send Gold Off to the Races

Peter Schiff

The Poisonous Fruit of Amoris Laetitia

Richard A. Spinello

When Non-Catholics Tried to Save the Latin Mass

Joseph Shaw, PhD

Political Theatre

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