You can help us protect birds like the Allen’s Hummingbird.
Year End 2X match up to $500,000; Donate Today; Bird Illustration;
National Audubon Society
In this code red emergency, birds need you; Allen's Hummingbird.
Allen's Hummingbird.
2X Match Time is running out; Stopwatch graphic
Protect the Future for Birds on the Brink
The Allen’s Hummingbird is in peril. In just 50 years its population declined by 80%, and last year’s State of the Birds report revealed they are on a path to lose another 50% of their populations in the coming decades.

But that’s not all, if drastic measures aren’t taken and we do not alter the course of climate change and habitat loss, the Allen’s Hummingbird could go extinct due to global temperature rise. That’s why we’re working tirelessly to help protect all 389 bird species facing multiple threats from climate change that could lead to their extinction. We refuse to let that happen.

For the protection of all beloved birds, can we count on you to be one of the 187 donors we need before midnight to end the year strong? Thanks to a generous group of donors, we’ll match your first annual donation up to $500,000. Please give a gift that renews automatically each year and gives birds important protection they can depend on.
Its code red for birds; bird illustrations
We’re fighting for the bold climate action birds—and our planet—need now. We’re defending laws that protect birds at risk and we’re advocating for additional legislation—like the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act —that will work to keep vital habitats and waterways resilient.
389 Species Are On the Brink
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Two-thirds of North American birds are at increasing risk of extinction from global temperature rise.
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According to the North American Breeding Bird Survey, Allen’s Hummingbird populations declined by 80% between 1968 and 2019.
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Allen’s Hummingbirds could lose 64% of their range in a 3 degree warming scenario.
We’re dedicated to putting in the work needed to protect at-risk birds like the Allen’s Hummingbird today, tomorrow, and for however long it takes. But to make all of this possible, we are counting on your committed, dependable support.

We need 187 donors today to stay on track and hit our year end goal. Please help protect our beloved birds by starting your annual donation right now, while your first gift will be matched 2X up to $500,000.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Melissa Haylock/Audubon Photography Awards. Illustrations: Allen's Hummingbird, Scarlet Tanager, Piping Plover, Rufous Hummingbird.
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National Audubon Society
225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014 USA
(844) 428-3826

© 2023 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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