Feminist Majority Foundation - Equality around the world

Dear John,

Dayton, Ohio. El Paso, Texas. Gilroy, California. In the past two weeks, three mass shootings across the country have resulted in deaths and devastating community losses.

That's why we need Mitch McConnell and the Senate to take urgent action right now. 

These tragedies were enabled by a country:

Where white supremacy is espoused and emboldened, paving the way for fatal acts of terrorism that follow words, chants, tweets, and policies demonizing Black and Brown communities. 

Where toxic masculinity is a consistent marker of shooters, yet we continue to ignore the obvious: patriarchy kills. (Currently, guns have more rights in the Constitution than women and trans and nonbinary people do). 

Where dark money and the power of the NRA fuels politicians not only to make cowardly choices, but to make actively cruel and callous ones. 

Where political inaction, spinelessness, and cowardly "thoughts and prayers" transcends the moral courage to take real action. 

251 shootings in 2019. And all of them preventable. To say it is beyond time to take action is a massive understatement. 

The House Democrats already passed H.R.8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019, months ago -- but it's been stalled in the Senate. We've joined the call to demand that Mitch McConnell immediately brings the Senate back to session to vote on this gun control legislation today. After that, we must call upon all of our representatives to pass even more sweeping legislation that bans all assault rifles and large-capacity ammunition magazines. 

DEMAND Mitch McConnell bring the Senate back to session to vote today. Then, tell five friends to do the same. It's time--long overdue--for the Senate to take action. Let your Senators and Mitch know: it's time to get out of the way of sane gun laws. 

Take Action, 

Ellie Smeal
President of the Feminist Majority Foundation 

1600 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 801, Arlington, VA, 22209 | 703.522.2214 | we[email protected]

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