We have to protect our Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate and win back the U.S. House.

Mark Kelly for Senate

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In the U.S. Senate, I’m focused on delivering results like lowering costs, combating climate change, and bringing transparency and accountability to Washington. Since I was first elected in 2020, we’ve made real progress. But there’s a lot more we need to do. And to get it done, we have to protect our Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate and win back the U.S. House.

That’s why I’ve been busy supporting competitive U.S. Senate races across the country. From Bob Casey in Pennsylvania to Colin Allred in Texas, these folks are going to be the difference between continuing our important progress or handing over the Senate to Mitch McConnell and his allies.

Mark Kelly and Bob Casey

Mark Kelly and Colin Allred

It’s been a busy year, to say the least. But it’s also been a lot of fun. I even got to try a cream puff at the Wisconsin State Fair with Tammy Baldwin.

Mark Kelly and Tammy Baldwin

And back home in Arizona, we’ve got some important Congressional races that are going to help us take back the House. I’ve been hard at work supporting those folks, too.

These are good people doing good work. And when they win in 2024, I know they’ll keep at it.

But to get there, we need your help. When you contribute to emails like this one, that’s what you’re supporting. You’re giving us the resources we need to stay on the trail, supporting some of the most competitive races in the country.

That’s why I’m personally asking, will you become a sustaining donor to my campaign? A monthly donation of just $5, $10, or $15 gives us a base of support we can rely on to build the plans we’ll need for a strong year ahead.


As we head into a critical election year, it’s more important than ever that we put forward the strongest foot possible. Your support makes all the difference.

As always, thank you for being on this team.

— Mark


Paid For By Mark Kelly for Senate

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Mark Kelly was a Captain in the U.S. Navy and astronaut. Use of his military rank, job titles and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or Department of Defense and reference to NASA does not imply endorsement by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.