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Dear Friend,

We all have a choice to make right now: to stand and fight for the things that matter, the things we believe in, or to stand quietly on the sidelines and watch them slip away.
For the sake of all that is good and precious in this country, please choose freedom today.
One way you can do so is by standing with The Rutherford Institute in our quest for greater freedom for all Americans, especially as we strive to preserve the rights that are being battered daily. 


Here is how you can help today:
• Donate to The Rutherford Institute through our website,, or over the phone at 1-800-225-1791. You can make a one-time gift, or spread your gift out over the course of the year by joining our Monthly Giving Club. 
• Dedicate your donation to a loved one.
• Donate using your PayPal account.
• Donate stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other appreciated assets instead. Call 1-800-225-1791 for assistance and details.
• Donate through your company’s matching gift program. If your company or employer has a Matching Gift Program, you can dramatically increase and perhaps even double your level of support for The Rutherford Institute, even if you are a retiree.
Any donations—including one-time gifts, monthly pledges and stock donations—made between now and December 31 will count towards this year’s $100,000 year-end challenge.
Together, we will make America free again.
For freedom,
John W. Whitehead
To make a tax-deductible donation to The Rutherford Institute, click the link below, visit us online, donate using PayPalcall in your donation to 800-225-1791, or mail your donation to our headquarters at PO Box 7482, Charlottesville, VA 22906.

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