Our friends at Data for Progress closed out the year by releasing a poll about what Americans expect about a second possible Donald Trump presidency―and the answers are SHOCKING.1
Most alarmingly, voters believe it’s about equally likely that Donald Trump will attempt to cut Social Security as that he will try to expand it―despite Trump’s clear record when he was already President of acting to undermine the program.
The Presidential Election will be here before we know it. We’ve got our work cut out for us to make sure that every American knows that another Donald Trump presidency would be a DISASTER for seniors!
Let’s recap:
Donald Trump spent his first year in office trying to destroy Medicare and Medicaid and replace them with Trumpcare.2
During the pandemic, Trump unilaterally eliminated Social Security and Medicare’s dedicated funding, and promised to make that elimination permanent if re-elected.3
Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner began a program to move seniors who chose traditional Medicare onto private, for-profit plans without their knowledge or consent.4
Trump’s crony MAGA Mike Johnson, who rose to prominence trying to overturn the 2020 election, has demanded a closed-door commission with the power to cut Social Security and Medicare without public knowledge.5
What the poll really shows is that Trump voters want to believe that good things would come from a second Trump term―and that Trump voters want to see Social Security expanded.
That’s why it’s so important for President Biden to make the contrast clear by announcing his own plan to protect and expand Social Security—and pay for it by requiring the wealthy to pay their fair share.
Together, we will make sure every voter knows that a vote for Donald Trump is a vote to destroy Social Security and Medicare. Donate $7 today!
Thank you,
Alex Lawson Social Security Works
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