Dear John,
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has thrust America into an unprecedented health and economic crisis. We are demanding that the Senate use its power to pass legislation to keep us and our pocketbooks healthy and safe. Last Saturday, the House passed a massive emergency response package. Now it's in the Senate. We want the Senate to know that any delay in implementing this package would be unacceptable. As restaurants, gyms and movie theaters close across the nation, millions of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck are becoming afraid. We need legislation that offers these workers the assurity that they will not be abandoned. As schools close and family members become sick, we need legislation that assures workers that they will not be penalized for caring for loved ones. And as workers become sick themselves, we need legislation that allows them the security to stay home without the fear of mounting bills and no money coming in. The Family First Coronavirus Response Act, passed by the House, was hammered out with bipartisan support and approved by the President. It provides emergency paid leave for millions of workers affected by the virus, increases funding to state unemployment insurance programs as well as Medicaid and nutritional aid programs, and guarantees free coronavirus testing for everyone. Now, it's up to the Senate to get to work and quickly pass the legislative measures necessary to deal COVID-19. According to the Center for Disease Control, there are two essential ways to contain the coronavirus outbreak - testing and social isolation. Free testing will keep millions of Americans, many of them uninsured or underinsured, from falling through the gap and further spreading the virus. Moreover, social isolation measures can only be effective if workers know they won’t face financial ruin should they miss work. In this time of uncertainty, we look to our government to swiftly pass laws that protect the health and well being of our nation. The ball is in the Senate’s court. Join us today in demanding that the Senate to pass the Family First Coronavirus Response Act legislation without delay. The country is counting on them. Be well, Mike Tidwell Want to support our work? Click here to make a one-time or monthly donation. View this email in your web browser CCAN Action Fund is the grassroots arm of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. The mission of the CCAN Action Fund is to effect change in public policy at local, state and national levels to directly address the threat of global warming. Through voter education, lobbying and participation in the electoral process, we seek to move our country into a leadership position on the most urgent global issue of our time — the climate crisis. Update your contact information | Update your email subscriptions You can also unsubscribe at any time.