Hey john — This is Team Slotkin, supporting Elissa’s campaign for Senate in Michigan.

We're writing to ask you to make an $8 donation today.

Why $8? Because that’s the cost of a 6-pack of Michigan’s famous Vernors Ginger Ale — one of the most quintessential Michigan staples known to all residents of our great state. We drink it at barbecues, at the game, and when our kids have a stomachache.

The truth is that as strange as it sounds, these small-dollar donations really do matter. It takes a village to elect a leader like Elissa to the Senate, and it’s so important that we maintain a steady pace of support.

Last month, we had our first serious Republican opponent, Mike Rogers, enter the race. His latest FEC report was filled with donations from a bunch of members of Betsy DeVos's family — contributions totaling $46,200 all made on one single day. And there are plenty of other deep-pocketed Republican donors who are backing his campaign because they know that their path to control the Senate runs right through Michigan.

With public polling showing our race in a dead heat, we have to be prepared to match our Republican opponent dollar-for-dollar so we can defend this open seat and protect our slim Democratic Senate majority.

We know that $8 may not sound like a lot on its own. But trust us that we wouldn’t keep asking if it didn’t add up when there are hundreds of people chipping in and showing their support. It’s how we’ve won our past campaigns and it’s how we plan to keep up the momentum to win this race too.

If you are able, will you split an $8 contribution to our campaign for Senate and Tina Smith’s campaign today? It’s not as much about how much you give, but how many people are coming together to show their support for Elissa and this campaign.


Thank you,

Team Slotkin