I'll keep this brief.

John, I hope you’re resting and recharging in preparation for a momentous year to come. I’m sure your inbox is full of last-minute requests from organizations just like ours, so I’ll keep this brief.

We’re so grateful for your steadfast efforts this year to hold the Supreme Court justices accountable and restore integrity to our judiciary. 

From Congress re-introducing the Judiciary Act this spring to subpoenaing Clarence Thomas’ wealthy benefactors this winter, your support has been essential. Every post you’ve shared, petition you’ve signed, and dollar you’ve given has powered this movement.

And with your help, not only did we make these major strides forward; we’ve brought new champions into the fight. With new congressional cosponsors and leading advocacy organizations including Planned Parenthood and Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL) joining our ranks, we’re going into 2024 stronger than ever. 

From the bottom of my heart: Thank you for everything.

We have a long road ahead of us in the fight to rebalance and restore integrity to this stolen and illegitimate court. We all know that. But your partnership gives me confidence that in the coming days and months, our movement will only grow stronger.

So, if you are able, can you make one last contribution so we can hit the ground running in the new year?

Thank you again — we couldn’t do this without you.

Sarah, Alexa, Chelsey, and the Take Back the Court team.