Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A message from...
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars and Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

Dear John,

President Trump continues to keep his campaign promise to Make America Great Again for EVERY American (even those who didn't vote for him).

Despite relentless attacks, obstruction, and resistance from all sides - Trump's presidency has the American economy breaking records, American workers experiencing more opportunities, confidence soaring, and business booming.

The unemployment rate under President Trump is the lowest in history and this includes Black Americans, Hispanics and other minorities...

Breitbart: Black Unemployment hits records low, black-white unemployment gap shrinks to smallest ever

...and minorities are responding!

The number of voter polls are mounting showing that President Trump's approval ratings among minorities is dramatically increasing.

In fact, some recent polls now show his approval ratings are 25% among African American voters and 50% among Hispanic voters.

The Democrats and the Leftist-Media understand that they can't win if this trend continues and that is why they continue to work to discredit these polls.

It is also why they have stepped up their attacks against him and his conservative allies in Congress.

Democrats Slander Republicans as Racists to Scare Minority Voters

Their accusations about President Trump and Republicans being racists and bigots are getting L O U D E R   &   L O U D E R ...

That is why it's critical we continue our work to get the truth out.

Since 2013, we have invested millions of dollars on radio, television and print advertisements, billboards, books and issue guides to minority voters exposing the race-baiting lies liberals have been spoon-feeding them about Republicans and our values for decades...

And the results have been incredible.

They want you to believe that President Trump is racistOur campaign has proven, time and time again, that conservative minority radio outreach programs are NOT a "waste of time" like the talking heads and overpaid political consultants have incorrectly claimed for decades.

What we are doing is working!  African Americans and Hispanics are not buying the Left's LIES like they have for decades.


Because these Progressive Democrats HATE President Trump, and they'll do whatever it takes to defeat him this time around.

Why do they hate President Trump so much?

Aside from the fact that he's an "America First" patriot...

President Trump is on a mission to Make America Great Again...they HATE him because he had the audacity to speak directly to Black Americans last election and asked them to abandon the Democrat Party for the true party of freedom: The Republican Party.

He told them, if they did this, their lives would improve -- and boy have their lives improved under his presidency.

This infuriates and scares Democrats because they know that if they lose just a small percentage of the minority vote, they'll never win an election again.

Even CNN Had to Admit that Trump is Polling Well With Black Voters

Make no mistake about it, John, the Democrats are fighting for their political lives.

That's why they've DOUBLED-DOWN on SCARING minority voters with the LIE that President Trump and all Republicans are racists, bigots, and neo-Nazis.

And that's why you and I must DOUBLE-DOWN on our critical work to dispel the Left's LIES, stop the Democrats from defeating President Trump, and end their scheme to seize control of the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate!

As you know, our radio ads have been UP-AND-RUNNING since August of 2019 -- blasting out the TRUTH to minority voters in carefully selected swing states and Congressional districts...

...and we're trying to expand into as many critical swing states and key Congressional races as possible (depends on funding).

But we MUST do more if we're going to win over minority voters, stop the Democrats hostile takeover plot, and push President Trump to victory.

And NONE of this is possible without YOU.

John, you've been one of our most dedicated and reliable partners ...

...and I pray you'll DOUBLE-DOWN on your support to keep our highly-successful minority outreach campaign UP-AND-RUNNING through Election Day!

We really need you now more than ever!

You see, not only do we need the $16,280/month to keep our current radio ads ON THE AIR...

...but we REALLY need to DOUBLE DOWN on the number of spots we're running and expand into other crucial swing states and races across the country.

So can I count on you to DOUBLE DOWN on your support today, John?

Get this Patriotic Flag Magnet for your DOUBLE DOWN donation today To show you my gratitude for your donation today, I will send you this Patriotic Flag Magnet so you can display how proud you are to be an American.

The margin of victory THIS ELECTION will be with minority voters, so you and I MUST do everything we can to get conservative messages AND THE TRUTH out to minority voters...

And time is quickly running out to chip away at the Democrats' base enough to secure a second term for President Trump.

How many ads we can run and how long we can stay ON THE AIR is in your hands, John, so please respond today.

John Philip Sousa IV Urgently,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC

P.S. I've explained to you why running daily ads over carefully selected minority stations is so very important and why it works.

It is simply the most effective way to reach Black Americans and other minorities with the truth and pierce through the despicable media narrative that we, and all conservatives, are racists.

Without this proven outreach program to expose the lies and set the record straight, the Democrats will win.

Thanks to your help, John, this grassroots super PAC made the difference in the 2016 election.

And together, we will do it again!



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