Dear John,
2023 has been a year of transformative change in the quest for a world where all people are free. Freedom House has been there every step of the way. Whether in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Myanmar, or Venezuela, Freedom House has supported activists, journalists, and victims of persecution in their valiant fight for freedom; informed the world about threat they face; and mobilized global action to support our cause.
As one of Freedom House’s supporters, your contributions have been essential—thank you. I’m honored to share with you, below, some of the impact you’ve had around the world this year.
For more than 80 years, Freedom House has carried the torch for democracy and human rights around the world. There is still much to do. And we need your continued support.
Make a gift before December 31st to ensure Freedom House remains on the front lines of the fight for freedom in the new year and for decades to come.
With you at our side, I remain optimistic about the future. Thank you for all you do to support democracy around the world.
Mike Abramowitz
President, Freedom House
In 2023, Freedom House identified threats to freedom.
Freedom House published the 50th edition of Freedom in the World—the oldest and most trusted report of its kind. More than anything else, five decades of Freedom in the World reports demonstrate that the demand for freedom is universal.
Freedom House also published the latest edition of our report on global internet freedom, Freedom on the Net 2023: The Repressive Power of Artificial Intelligence, which has been widely utilized by government officials, journalists, and technology companies aiming to understand the threats and opportunities artificial intelligence poses for human rights and democracy worldwide.
In 2023, Freedom House provided support to activists working to defend and expand freedom.
Freedom House helped support more than 15,000 human rights defenders, journalists, civil society organizations, and survivors of persecution in over 90 countries. From providing emergency assistance to victims of human rights abuses in Myanmar to reintegrating child survivors of sexual abuse into their communities in Uganda, wherever human rights were threatened or attacked, Freedom House was there to help.
Freedom House and partners successfully advocated for the release of 222 political prisoners in Nicaragua. In addition, Freedom House assisted political prisoners and their families worldwide with legal aid, medical treatments, food, and hygiene products while in prison, relocation of at-risk family members, and safe conditions for prison visits.
In 2023, Freedom House spurred action to counter authoritarianism.
Freedom House continued its leadership on transnational repression, the phenomenon by which authoritarian governments reach across borders to silence, harass, and harm their critics living in exile.

At the 2023 Summit for Democracy, seven democratic governments signed Freedom House’s Declaration of Principles to Combat Transnational Repression. Alongside the declaration, Freedom House launched the Coordination Group to Counter Transnational Repression, a joint civil society initiative that identifies policy solutions and serves as a resource for policymakers interested in strengthening protections against transnational repression.
While authoritarians remain extremely dangerous and determined, history tells us that they are not unbeatable.
Join us in this cause by making a donation to support Freedom House.
Defend Democracy,
Champion Freedom.