Dear Reader,
At Ballotpedia, our goal is to inform people about politics by providing accurate and unbiased information about politics at all levels of government.
Ballotpedia launched an Election Administration Legislation Tracker last year that set the industry standard for ease of use, flexibility, and raw power. Ballotpedia's experts provide updates on bills and summarize the bills in neutral language. Ballotpedia’s Election Administration Legislation Tracker covers a broad assortment of policy areas, including: rules and regulations about voting, ballot access, absentee and in-person voting, and more! This year, the Election Administration Legislation Tracker has nearly 400,000 pageviews!
Whether you have five minutes for research or want to go deep on election legislation, Ballotpedia’s Election Administration Tracker is unparalleled. There’s nothing else like it.
With the support of readers like you, Ballotpedia can continue to develop innovative tools like the Legislation Tracker to help citizens dive deeper into the bills affecting everyday life.

Leslie Graves