You can help protect birds like the Allen’s Hummingbird.
Year End 2X match up to $500,000; Donate Today; Bird Illustration;
National Audubon Society
In this code red emergency, birds need you; Allen's Hummingbird.
Allen's Hummingbird.
2X Match Time is running out; Stopwatch graphic
Be There for Birds This Year
Did you know the Allen’s Hummingbird has seen its populations plummet by a staggering 80% between 1968 and 2019? And our 2019 climate report revealed they are one of the almost 400 species of North American birds at increasing risk of extinction.

Sadly, they aren’t alone. In fact, two-thirds of bird species in North America are at risk of climate extinction. That’s why there isn’t a moment to waste.

Will you start your annual gift to help us protect the Allen’s Hummingbird and all birds who are at risk? This compassionate choice is a convenient way to provide uninterrupted resources our teams can depend on in their work to defend birds year after year. If you’re one of the 575 donors needed today, your new gift will be matched 2X up to $500,000.
Its code red for birds; bird illustrations
We know the time to act to combat climate change is now.

That’s why we’re responding with an unprecedented combination of strategies. From advancing policies that reduce carbon emissions and support clean energy to leading land management practices that will mitigate the impacts of climate change and sea level rise, we’re at the frontlines of this fight.
389 Species Are On the Brink
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Two-thirds of North American birds are at increasing risk of extinction from global temperature rise.
Bird Icon.
According to the North American Breeding Bird Survey, Allen’s Hummingbird populations declined by 80% between 1968 and 2019.
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Allen’s Hummingbirds could lose 64% of their range in a 3 degree warming scenario.
But none of this will happen overnight. It’s going to take all of us working together to build a brighter future for beloved birds and the places they need to survive.

Will you start your annual donation and be one of the 575 donors we need today? Please give a gift that renews automatically every year and gives birds protection they can depend on.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Barry Schirm/Audubon Photography Awards. Illustrations: Allen's Hummingbird, Scarlet Tanager, Piping Plover, Rufous Hummingbird.
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(844) 428-3826

© 2023 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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