Dear John, 

I hope you're well. I'm reaching out again to emphasize the critical work of the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) and to kindly ask for your support. 

As someone deeply involved with NIJC, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of their advocacy and legal services, provided in collaboration with pro bono attorneys like myself, for newly arrived immigrants seeking refuge and long-time members of our communities. 

With only a few days left in the year, please join me in supporting NIJC with a donation today at 

Your donation, regardless of size, directly fuels this essential work. 

Thank you for your compassion and support. 

Best regards, 
Lisa Haidostian  
Senior Director, Healthcare Compliance 
Walgreen Co. 


From: Lisa Haidostian <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Subject: Your community needs you

Dear John, 

As global migration increases and more families come to our country seeking safety, it is reassuring to know there are excellent organizations dedicated to welcoming them and helping them build new lives. The National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) is one of those organizations. I am writing to you personally—as an NIJC board member, volunteer, and donor myself—to ask you to make a gift to support NIJC’s essential legal work.  

NIJC is a lifeline for some of our community’s most vulnerable people who have nowhere else to turn. NIJC’s legal staff and partners have welcomed and provided critical legal orientations to thousands of newly arrived migrants. But NIJC can only provide services like these—desperately needed by so many—with your support.   

Please support NIJC with a gift today at 

One reason that I support NIJC is to help change the lives of people who, without NIJC, would be left to navigate a complex and scary system alone. NIJC has the expertise and resources to help volunteers like me every step of the way in providing world-class legal representation to make sure people have a real chance to have safe and stable lives.  

And this cause could not be more worthy. I will always remember my client who burst into tears upon being granted asylum. Having asylum meant she would not have to return to violence and persecution. She would not have to uproot her children from their safe and happy lives here in Chicago. I am so thankful NIJC was there to help me with that client, and so many others.  

NIJC needs your support to continue to serve as a vital resource—both through its direct legal work for people in our communities and by serving as a wealth of knowledge and expertise to its pro bono volunteers like me. I hope you will join me in donating to NIJC this year.

You can make your gift today at  

We need your help now. Please stand with NIJC today to provide critical lifelines to migrants and their families. Thank you for your compassion and support. 

Thank you,  

Lisa Haidostian  
Senior Director, Healthcare Compliance 
Walgreen Co. 


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