In case you missed Jerry’s message yesterday, we just wanted to let you know that this Sunday is our final FEC deadline of the year – and the first since it was announced that NY congressional districts are being redrawn again! A process that normally happens every 10 years, is happening two elections in a row!

With so much uncertainty heading into 2024, it's critical Jerry proves his strength as he continues to hold Republicans accountable for their lies and hypocrisy. We know he already has multiple potential opponents lined up and we can’t afford to take anything for granted.

Can Jerry count on you to make this report stand out by chipping in $10 today?

Thank you,

Team Nadler

Read Jerry’s full message:

The last FEC deadline of 2023 is Sunday at midnight.

We know that Republicans will be looking at my report to scout for any weak points in our campaign. It’s critical that we don’t have any for them to find.

PLUS - it’s the first FEC deadline since NY’s highest court ordered congressional districts to be redrawn - AGAIN. Now that we are facing even more uncertainty in 2024, we can’t take anything for granted.

We’re about $16,000 short on our goal with just days left to make up lost ground. To strengthen my report and to set us up for victory in 2024, can you please chip in $10 today?
If you’ve stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation to Jerry Nadler for Congress will process immediately.
$10 →
$25 →
$50 →
$100 →
$250 →
Other →

The path to a Democratic House majority runs straight through New York – especially with this redistricting news. It’s vital that I have the resources to protect my seat, as well as my fellow New York Democrats as we all face potentially new districts just two years after last cycle’s redistricting.

Why is it so critical? It's simple. Republicans are unfit to govern.

House Republicans have brought us to the brink of multiple government shutdowns and lead to the brink of defaulting on our national debt.

They delayed essential Congressional operations with their chaotic votes to elect a new Speaker of the House, which left us with anti-abortion, election-denying extremist Mike Johnson in control. Most recently, they have moved forward on an evidence-less impeachment inquiry into President Biden to score last-minute political points before an election year and send their favorite authoritarian candidate Donald Trump back to the White House.

It has been a year for the history books, but not in the ways you and I would have liked. Democrats MUST take back control of the House to fight for our fundamental rights and our democracy.

The path to taking back the House runs through my re-election and my ability to support fellow Democrats in flipping seats across the country. To do this, I need all hands on deck.

I’m asking you to dig deep as we approach the end of this year so that we can hit the ground running in 2024.

If you’re able, please contribute before our FEC report is made public so that extremist Republicans know that Americans do not support their authoritarian tactics →

Let’s end the year strong.



As Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerry Nadler has oversight over some of the most important issues facing America. As a strong progressive, Jerry believes in justice for all and a democracy that represents people, not special interests. He is proud to fight for his New York City constituents in Congress. Click here to chip in and help Jerry keep fighting for a democracy that lives up to its ideals.


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Nadler for Congress
200 W. 79th Street, #8N
New York, NY 10024
United States