Dear John,

The year 2024 is fast approaching! But you don’t need to wait until December 31 to make a lifesaving difference. This year, your gift will TRIPLE in value to help the working animals of Fez, Morocco — thanks to a $50,000 Challenge Match.

This Challenge Match comes at the perfect time as we work tirelessly to save and rehabilitate dozens of donkeys, mules, and horses in the aftermath of the devastating 6.8 magnitude earthquake in September. We are at full capacity — and still struggling to save all the animals who need us.

It seems nearly impossible to get ahead of the need, as the inflationary rise in prices for fuel, feed, medical supplies — and everything else — continues to impact the way we operate. People and animals are still hurting badly here — and we need help now!

Save Animals

Be an “early bird” and give now — and your gift will go three times as far. Without you, the high-quality care we provide would not be available free-of-charge to families who need their animals to survive. Your on-going support is deeply appreciated!

With my heartfelt thanks,

Dr. Ahmed Khairoun Signature

Dr. Ahmed Khairoun


P.S. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a gift that will TRIPLE in value! This Challenge Match offer expires in two days!


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