Plenty of battles ahead and opportunities to impact the future of our country |
There’s Hope for Religious Freedom in 2024,
But the Fight’s Not Over
What a remarkable year it’s been for religious liberty in America! President, CEO & Chief Counsel Kelly Shackleford talks about the battles ahead, and how you can help us continue our incredible winning streak.
New Year, New Hope »
First Liberty Clients Aaron & Melissa Klein
Stand with Colorado Baker
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that government may not force business owners to speak messages that violate their beliefs. But for Christian cake artists Aaron and Melissa Klein and Jack Phillips, the legal fight continues.
Still Searching for Sweet Justice »
Sikh Coalition Argues that FBI Must Be Held
Accountable for Unlawful Actions
We recently filed a brief at the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of the Sikh Coalition, arguing that government should not evade responsibility for trampling on Americans’ constitutional rights, including religious freedom.
Discrimination Doesn’t Fly »
Members of Congress Say Texas College Wrongfully Fired Biology Professor
Sen. Ted Cruz, Rep. Chip Roy and three more Texas representatives are demanding answers from St. Philip’s College in San Antonio after it unlawfully terminated our client, Dr. Johnson Varkey, for teaching basic biology.
Fighting Against Cancel Culture »
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