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email hero image: Make your year-end donation to ProPublica by Dec. 31. Nonprofit, independent journalism powered by the people.

Hi Reader,

ProPublica’s coverage of voting rights, gerrymandering, ethics in the judiciary and more this year has demonstrated just how important it is to hold our nation’s most powerful individuals, institutions and corporations accountable. As important as this work is, many newsrooms can no longer afford the time and expense of investigative reporting, and our democracy is paying the price.

But ProPublica is stronger than ever. Thanks to support from folks like you who understand the importance of journalism to the democratic process, we are now the largest investigative newsroom in the country.

We raise the money to publish our investigations through grants from foundations, philanthropic support from major donors and ... you! More than 50,000 readers this year have donated to ProPublica with gifts ranging from $1 to many thousands, and today I’m asking you to join them with a year-end donation.

Our funding model works because there are enough readers of our work who step forward with a gift — readers who believe in the power of journalism to dig up the facts, insist on transparency and hold the powerful to account.

Join these thousands of ProPublicans today with your donation and help us start 2024 in high gear as we head into this election year with more fact-based, nonpartisan journalism to inform voters.

Thanks so much,
Jill Shepherd
Proud ProPublican

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