☀️ Good morning! 😎
I’m reaching out bright and early for one reason: There are now less than 72 hours left to claim our exclusive 3X MATCH before the year-end deadline!! Here’s where you stand as of this morning:
3X MATCH: Donor Status
3X Matching Gift Status: PENDING
And just in case you need a few more reasons why NOW is the perfect time to help more athletes with intellectual disabilities (ID) get in the game…
💯 Your gift is 100% tax-deductible!
📈 Every donation will be TRIPLE matched by our Founding Partner, The Coca-Cola Company!
🥰 Your generosity means 3X the games, 3X the equipment, and 3X the chances for Special Olympics athletes to find their favorite sports, a welcoming team, and a home away from home.
It’s so wonderful being in the Special Olympics family with you ❤️
Cailey Doran
Director, Digital Fundraising and Strategy