Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas
Today's Lectionary Readings
Saint Augustine knew that deep within the human person is a restlessness that can only be satisfied when it rests in God. To rest in God requires a knowing of and doing God’s will. Each of us has a role to fill within a given time, and God places us in those moments when we are needed. He came down from heaven in human form as an infant to bring light into our darkness. And through his life taught us how to worship the Father and love one another.
Each of us at Catholic Charities has the unique opportunity to dispel darkness in the lives of those struggling with poverty and vulnerabilities with the gifts we bring to our work. As the readings today remind us, “Whoever says he is in the light, yet hates his brother, is still in the darkness.” Do we bring the light of God’s love to those we serve? Do we open minds and change hearts by sharing the importance of our work with colleagues, communities, or volunteers? Do we get to know and love our neighbors? Or do we contribute to the insensitivity surrounding any community we serve by refusing to see them as brothers and sisters?
As we continue to celebrate this Christmas season, may we remember the depth of the Father’s love. A love that transcended time and space for our salvation. May we also remember that to follow Jesus means to love all our brothers and sisters as He loved us, especially those we are most uncomfortable loving. May each of us experience and share God’s love, kindness, and compassion to its fullness today and every day.
Cindy Self is Director of Volunteers at Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans.
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