In times of uncertainty, it is important to remember the shared values that unite us -- love, empathy, freedom, and dignity


John --

There is a part of all of us, deep down inside, that weeps when we see vulnerable people who are hurting. It is the best part of us, because it is the foundation for recognizing our shared humanity.

Dream Corps is built on that belief. If we start with the pain that unites us instead of the politics that divide us, we can do great things.

Right now that means turning to each other -- not on each other -- in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is both a global health crisis and a particular threat to the incarcerated, communities of color, and low-income communities. Coronavirus may not discriminate, but the discrimination baked into our society means it will hurt vulnerable people first and worst.

We just sent a letter to Congress demanding that these at-risk communities directly benefit from any relief packages. Will you join us and add your name right now?

Both parties need to work together on a coronavirus response. But mushy-middle bipartisanship got us mass incarceration and climate inaction. Instead, we need a bottom-up bipartisan relief that helps those who are most suffering. Lawmakers must:

  • Address housing instability and home safety
  • Increase coverage of paid sick leave
  • Respond to the demands of frontline health workers
  • Preserve the right to vote
  • Keep public transit running
  • Provide dignity and safety for people who are incarcerated
  • Issue direct relief payments
  • Fix the lack of broadband internet access known as the “Homework Gap”
  • Provide relief to communities of color and low-income communities

We’re asking partners, lawmakers, and influencers to sign on and support our priorities. And we need you with us. We know that many of you are looking for ways to take meaningful action while staying safe. This is one way for you to do just that. Sign onto our letter demanding that vulnerable communities benefit from relief packages.

In this time of crisis, Dream Corps will continue our fight to close prison doors and open doors of opportunity. We will amplify the voices of the most vulnerable communities who are being disproportionately impacted by this pandemic. We will ask state and federal lawmakers to prioritize black and brown communities and low-income communities in any and all policies, legislation, or spending as a result of the pandemic. 

And even if we have to do it online, we’ll still bring people together to fight for freedom and dignity for all.

In the meantime, we will stay in touch about ways that you can help. I urge you to follow expert advice in keeping yourself and your loved ones healthy.

For now, find ways in your life that you can help:

  • Turn to each other, not on each other — listen with empathy, speak authentically, expect to be surprised, and respect diversity and difference;
  • Amplify the unheard — start with the voices of the mistreated and the stories that do not get told, even if the main characters are not the people you expect;
  • Promote a more perfect union — reject a cheap patriotism that celebrates America’s beautiful founding dream while ignoring our ugly founding reality, and embrace a deep patriotism that works to make America’s future better than our past.

No one individual, community, or country can deal with this crisis alone. We must work together, in our communities and across borders, with dignity and compassion. It’s up to all of us to come together and meet this moment. 

In solidarity,
CEO, Dream Corps

P.S. Read the letter we just delivered to Congress urging them to pass immediate economic relief. 


Copyright © 2019 Dream Corps
436 14th St, Suite 920
Oakland, CA 94612

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