Updates for 2020 YDG Convention Attendees

Hello all!

As Young Democrats of Georgia President Rachel Paule just announced, we have moved our Convention from 3/20-22/2020 on the UGA Athens campus to a 100% virtual experience Friday, April 3rd through Sunday, April 5th. This move was taken as a result of the unprecedented pandemic sweeping the world right now, and out of an abundance of caution to protect Young Democrats of Georgia members and Convention attendees. The times we face now have never been seen before, and YDG leadership is working hard not to allow this to take away from what will still be a wonderful and enriching event, while simultaneously not putting anyone at any
undue risk.

The Young Democrats of Georgia Board of Directors and Convention Planning Committee are working non-stop to deliver the same level of quality programming and engagement Convention attendees would’ve experienced in person online, and additional details about the mechanics of the online Convention will be coming soon!

As a part of this shift, the Executive Committee of the Young Democrats of Georgia, comprised of the YDG Elected Board and Chapter Presidents from across Georgia, thought it prudent to set the registration fee at a flat $20 for all Convention attendees. You are receiving this email because you had already taken the time to register for Convention and paid a registration fee in excess of $20.

Our first ask is that you consider the money you paid in excess of $20 as a contribution to the mission of Young Democrats of Georgia as we head into one of the most important election cycles in US History. YDG is putting together a detailed plan to target, engage, and mobilize the under 40 demographic in Georgia help flip our state blue, flip 2 US Senate seats, elect a Democrat in Congressional District 7, help Lucy McBath retain her seat in Congressional District 6, and win back the State House as we head into redistricting in 2021, not to mention down ballot races all over the state too!

However, we fully recognize the uniqueness of these times, and that budgets might be tight for many. If you would like to request a refund of the difference between what you paid originally and the new $20 registration cost, please email [email protected] from the email address you used to register for Convention with your request, and we will process the refund ASAP.

Lastly, please keep in mind that any Convention registrant is eligible to request a full Financial Needs Waiver confidentially for any reason. To do so, one simply needs to email [email protected] with the request. Thank you for your continued support and engagement in this trying and unique time, and we can’t wait to “see” you at Convention!

Justin Holsomback
YDG National Committeeman

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