JUST IN: McConnell attends “special ceremony” with Brett Kavanaugh as Americans demand action on the coronavirus crisis

Sign your name to condemn Mitch McConnell and demand he schedule a vote TODAY on the House Democrats bill to protect critical funding for those impacted by this pandemic:

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John -- 

Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats passed a bipartisan bill last week to provide substantial funding for coronavirus testing, unemployment benefits and paid sick leave. 

Yet, Mitch McConnell scheduled a three-day weekend for Senate Republicans and then rushed to attend a “special ceremony” with Brett Kavanaugh of all people. 

This is outrageous. Our country is in the middle of a public health emergency and we demand immediate action. Even now, McConnell is dragging his feet when we need our government to protect the American people from this crisis. 

Add your name to our urgent petition demanding McConnell schedule a vote on bipartisan legislation TODAY to address this pandemic before it’s too late:

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This is not the time to let partisan political games or failed leadership get in the way of what needs to be done to protect families, students, and workers struggling during this crisis. 

Thanks for taking action today. 

— Flip the Senate

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