In response to COVID-19, the government is considering a whole host of changes, including paid family leave, suspending loan payments, and even providing everyone with $1,000. But as people stock up on cough medicine, tampons, Clorox wipes and Advil, shouldn’t they be able to buy birth control pills too?
You can use this simple form to urge Congress and the federal government to take action NOW!

Congress is debating more coronavirus relief bills, and federal agencies are taking extraordinary action to respond. This moment in history - when folks are rushing to stores to stock up on essentials - has really shown how necessary it is to have the pill available on shelves.
Allowing oral contraceptives over-the-counter without a prescription is the law of the land in more than 100 other nations, and it has support from the American College of Gynecologists, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Medical Association
Birth control pills help millions of people take control of their sexual health, but only if they have the means and time to get a prescription at the doctor first - something everyone has much less of right now. It’s time we change that. It's time birth control becomes available over-the-counter, covered by insurance, and without age restrictions. It's time to #FreeThePill here.
In solidarity,
Becca Thimmesch
Project Associate, Adolescent Sexual Health Services
Advocates for Youth
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