
Last week I reached out to talk about the dire need for guaranteed paid sick leave for U.S. workers in light of the growing coronavirus or COVID-10 pandemic. Since then, the U.S. House stepped up and passed the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act, despite 40 Republicans who voted against it.

The Families First Coronavirus Relief Act would provide two weeks of emergency paid sick leave to workers affected by the coronavirus, in addition to $1 billion in food aid, $1 billion in funding for unemployment benefits, and free testing for anyone who has reason to believe they have the virus.

It’s not perfect, but it’s a desperately-needed first start to provide relief to workers and families, including millions of people in the service industry now jobless since restaurants and bars have closed down, as well as low-income families whose kids can no longer receive free breakfast and lunch at school.

So, why hasn’t this bill been passed by the Senate yet? Mitch McConnell.

The Republican-controlled Senate is stalling a vote on this bill, with some members of the GOP taking issue with providing guaranteed paid sick leave.Give me a break.

These Republicans in power have no idea what it’s like to suffer in the face of a public health emergency like this, and they need to do their jobs to pass relief for workers and families NOW.

If you agree, add your name to DFA’s petition demanding the Senate pass the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act ASAP >>


This isn’t just a public health crisis, it’s an economic one too. There are far too many people in this country who simply won’t be able to get by if this government fails to provide relief while businesses’ and schools’ doors are closed.

Paid leave is long overdue in this country, and right now, it’s an absolute necessity and lifeline for millions of people. The longer the Senate waits to do something about it, the more people will suffer as a result of their inaction.

Put pressure on McConnell and the Senate GOP to pass this relief before it’s too late.

Stay safe and healthy!


Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America