gift makes a difference in helping to uphold, defend and support the
Catholic Faith and the Catholic Family!
Dear Friend,
I am writing to thank you for your continued support for
Catholic Action for Faith and Family and
to ask for your financial
support in joining a new imperative to
mount a coordinated
response to tackle critical problems in our
world and in our Church.
Have you felt like something is off in the world lately? 2023
has been a tumultuous year and arguably one the darkest times in
recent history. It appears vast crises have
been simply deferred to 2024. The tension is in the air as news is
awash with dire predictions; and by all accounts, the post-Covid world
is ill equipped to respond since it is exhausted, divided and
ultimately more challenged than in decades.
Are you and I as Catholics going to be Heaven’s
change agents?
Yes, WE ARE!
Although it seems almost impossible, together you and I have
the power to change History!
But this is a monumental effort for which I need your urgent
support! Will you help?
For Catholic Action for Faith and
It’s Not a Matter of ‘If’, It’s
a Matter of ‘What’s Next’
In mid November in California, I
had the opportunity to meet with Cardinal Burke to discuss plans and
activities for Catholic Action for 2024. The discussions were positive
and encouraging in that the faithful can and will prosper in the midst
of chaos brought on by a world where uncertainty is the new
normal. This type of suffering can inspire faithful to turn more to
God for spiritual as well as moral support.

Overshadowing these plans was a New
Imperative stated by His Eminence that only the truth of Christ, as it
is handed down to us in the unchanging and unchangeable doctrine and
discipline of the Church can effectively address the challenges of
today. This light of truth will uncover the ideologies at work in our
world and correct the deadly confusion, error and division it is
propagating in the world and in the Mystical Body of
At some point in life, we all must
come to understand that anything worth having is worth fighting for.
If we have a hope, destiny, dream, business, marriage, vision, or any
aspiration we would like to see happen, we are often going to have to
fight for it.
This effort can only succeed with
your heartfelt support and the support of thousands of devout Catholic
friends that I am writing to today as well.
Right now your tax-deductible contribution of
$35, $50, $165,
$500, or other amount will guarantee that I
can grow our campaigns and programs
Your support is critical to ensure our activities and resources
reach everyone feeling discouraged and isolated in their spiritual
struggles so we can band together with irresistible fervor and
Marching forward, we must come to
terms with the reality that the Christian life is essentially
missionary. In this regard, Cardinal Burke exhorted us by saying, “If
we truly believe in Christ, if we truly live in Him, we will desire to
share our faith, the life of Christ within us, with others, both those
near and those far away.”
My fellow rosary warriors, in other
words, the time for hiding behind church walls is over. Together with
His Eminence, I’m issuing a battle cry for faithful Catholics to stop
playing defense and go on the offensive. We will storm heaven like
never before to recapture spheres of influence FOR THE
To achieve our objectives, Cardinal
Burke went on to stress, “Today, as in every time of her history, the
Church must employ all of the most efficacious means to preach the
Gospel to the greatest number of persons.”
In short, Catholic Action for Faith
and Family intends to mobilize a robust set of plans designed to usher
in a new era of dialogue and formation intent on upholding, defending
and supporting the Catholic Faith and the Catholic Family.
Can I count on you?
We are going to need perseverance
and courage for the fight. One profile in courage I am reminded of at
this time is that of British prime minister Winston Churchill who was
rehearsing for what became a famous wartime speech while traveling in
a car with Major General Hastings Ismay.
When he came to the famous
sentence, “Never in the history of mankind have so many owed so much
to so few”, Ismay said, “What about Jesus and his disciples?” “Good
old Pug,” said Winston, who immediately changed the wording to “Never
in the field of human conflict…”
Describing the efforts of the
Allied aircrews of The Royal Air Force (RAF), Churchill’s speech is
also remembered for the use of “the few” and describing their heroic
efforts also reflected Great Britain’s decision to continue the war
with an inflexible resolve.
Inspired by this resolve, I too am
writing today asking for your support and to join me in making the
same decision as we prepare to fight the good fight of faith and for
our Church that we love.
The reality is the 21st century is
indeed a moral and spiritual battlefield of immense proportions. This
battle is often hidden, but the battle is real and is progressively
killing the remaining Christian ethos in our society and culture, and
even in our homes.
We NEED Divine help and we NEED
With your dedicated support,
together with that of our family of souls, both ‘clergy and laity’
standing and fighting side-by-side, Catholic Action
intends to lead the way.
Your valuable assistance to our
work at Catholic Action for Faith and Family is vital to our mission:
“to strive to uphold and defend Christian values inspired by the
teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.”
It is through your generosity that
we have been able, in every season, to continually expand our efforts
to mobilize the active participation of the laity in the apostolate of
the Church under the guidance of our Patron and Shepherd, Cardinal
To reflect on the past year and how
Catholic Action intends to Finish Forward to ensure a strong start in 2024, and how we will
usher in our most
important and dynamic year since our founding………. please click here to read the Year in Review
and Plans for 2024.
Prior to outlining achievements for
the year and our ambitious set of plans moving forward, please allow
me to make an observation.
As members of the One Holy Catholic
and Apostolic Church we know there have been times of great despair,
confusion, misguidance and worse. But we also know that at such times
we must confront them with heroic acts of Faith, Hope and Charity, the
three theological virtues.
May the Divine Infant Jesus through
His Holy Mother and St. Joseph bless you and your loved ones with many
graces and blessings now and throughout the Christmas
Thank you for all that you do.
Surrounded by the radiating love of
the Infant King,

Thomas J. McKenna Founder and
President Catholic Action

P.S. Read
our Year in Review & Plans for 2024