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John, thanks to you, we were able to provide housing, shelter, and food to families and individuals experiencing homelessness throughout 2023.

Here's why your support now is crucial for families and individuals in need:  

  1. Every dollar is dedicated to preventing and breaking the cycle of homelessness. 

  1. Too many kids in the state of New Hampshire are homeless. Currently, 11 families with 25 kids, are living at our Family Emergency Shelter, and 52 families are on the waitlist.  

  1. Every day, people experiencing homelessness reach out to us for help. 

Will you support our mission to prevent and break the cycle of homelessness? Together, we will provide more families with the opportunity to build healthy, and happy lives.

Together, we can prevent and break the cycle of homelessness in our community.  

Wishing you a Happy New Year and we look forward to staying the course together in 2024.  


Maria Devlin
President & CEO

P.S. DOUBLE your gift today! A group of generous donors created a Challenge Match to join you in raising $25,000 by December 31. Here’s how: They will match, dollar for dollar, new donors who give a gift of $500 or any existing donor who increases their last gift by $500! Meet this challenge before December 31, and your gift of $500 becomes $1,000 toward food, shelter, clothing, and other essentials needed now for families experiencing homelessness.




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