We’re ending 2023 in a very difficult position.

Fellow Conservative,

We’re ending 2023 in a very difficult position.

FIRST, Every Democrat in the country knows that they need to defeat me and take back this seat if they’re going to retake the House Majority.

THEN, Democrats used the courts to undermine the will of the people to redraw NY Congressional seats to give themselves an upperhand in this fight.

FINALLY, My Democrat opponent outraised us every quarter, relying on his Hollywood megadonors to fuel his radical campaign.

Fellow Conservative, there’s too much on the line for us to post weak fundraising numbers heading into 2024. Right now, we’re in serious danger of falling short of our End-of-Year fundraising target by $9,093!

Our Republican Majority is depending on Conservatives like you stepping up before our deadline expires at MIDNIGHT SUNDAY with an urgently needed contribution of $10, $20.24, $100 or more.

DONATE $10 »
DONATE $20.24 »
DONATE $100 »

2024 will be a hard fight that will be won by inches. That means every single dollar we raise right now is going to count.

So please, can I count on you to pitch in just one more time before our New Year deadline elapses?

Thank you and God bless,

Marc Molinaro
Congressman, New York’s 19th Congressional District

Stand with Marc

Paid for by Marc for US

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