Dear Friend,
Staying safe during the coronavirus crisis is critical. I urge you to take the recommended precautions to keep you and your community safe and follow developments from trusted sources like and your local department of health.
But there is another urgent thing to do this month. The 2020 Census is underway NOW -- and it’s time for all of us to be counted.
Many Americans have already received a postcard or letter from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Please open it and follow the directions for completing the census online or by phone. If you do not complete the census online or by phone by April 3, a paper questionnaire will be mailed to the residence. Choose the option that is most comfortable for you. Large-print guides to the questionnaire are available upon request.

Every 10 years the Census happens -- even during a national emergency. And there is no better way for you to spend a few minutes this week.
The 2020 Census count will determine congressional representation and federal funding for the next decade. If you turn 65 today -- happy birthday! -- you will be 75 by the time another census is collected.
The census drives critical decisions. The government uses it to decide how to allocate $675 billion in federal funds every year. Those funds help pay for everything from first responders, Medicare Part B, libraries and community centers, public schools, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the Senior Community Service Employment Program, and much more. And if your community is not accurately counted, it will not get its fair share of funding for these critical supports.
The census is private. Federal law requires all answers to be kept fully confidential - so don’t let anyone talk you out of participating. The results of the census can only be used to produce statistics. It cannot be shared with law enforcement agencies or used against you by any government agency or court in any way.
So for you and for all of us, please get counted, please fill out the census as soon as you get your notice in the mail.
Richard Fiesta
Executive Director
PS: And if you can pitch in $3 to help your Alliance reach out to more seniors for projects like this one,
please click here
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