He called out his opponent for this BS.

Hey John,

Did you see Jamaal’s message yesterday? He called out his Democratic opponent for appearing on a Republican podcast and agreeing with all their BS talking points.

This is on top of a right-wing donor encouraging Republicans in our district to fully *re-register as Democrats* just to vote against Jamaal.

Even though our opponent is running as a Democrat, it’s clear that Republicans are fully supporting his campaign – and that means we have to fight twice as hard. Before we have to publicly report our fundraising numbers, help us hit our $20,000 FEC goal and start 2024 strong.


– Team JB

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jamaal Bowman
Date: Wed, Dec 27, 2023
Subject: What my opponent said on a Republican podcast

Bowman for Congress

Hey John,

My *Democratic* primary opponent decided to be a guest on a Republican podcast. Not only did he agree with all their talking points, but he had the audacity to say this:

🤡 “There’s a lot of outside money and groups coming to influence Westchester and the Bronx, but we’re the ones with the grassroots support.” 🤡

Hold up. This is the guy who’s getting outside support from a super PAC that’s funded by right-wing mega-donors and that pledged to spend $100,000,000 against me and the Squad.

My opponent is relying on right-wing outside groups. I’ll be damned if he says that HE’S the one with grassroots support. Chip in today to help me show him what a real grassroots movement looks like: 👇🏿


Here’s something else my opponent said on the podcast – and I actually agree with him:

“There’s going to be a battlefield in 2024 in primaries over the future of the party.”

He’s right. Our race will help determine the future of the Democratic Party. We need to make sure it’s one that reflects working people – not millionaire donors.

I have never and will never take corporate money. I rely 100% on real people like you. If you’re with me, I need you to chip in and help hit our end-of-year goal. ✊🏿

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Peace and love,
