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Save the Children Action Network is the political voice for kids.
I sat at the dinner table just a few nights ago, surrounded by family and some of my favorite holiday food.
As we dug in, I thought about those who don’t have enough to eat — 783 million, to be exact. 13 million of them live right here at home in the U.S.
I’m fed up with the injustice. With watching hunger take an innocent life every four seconds. With knowing children go to school with empty bellies.
A generous group of donors feels the same. Now through December 31 st , they’re matching ALL gifts 2-to-1 up to $25,000!* [[link removed]]
3x My Impact! [[link removed]]
John, the holidays are no time for hunger. Your TRIPLE matched donation will fuel our advocacy work for 2024.
We’ll start by telling Congress to build a better Farm Bill. Its programs feed kids and communities around the world — but their needs are growing with the hunger crisis.
You’ve spoken up for kids before , John. Show your support today to make THREE times more change. [[link removed]]
Get Fed Up And Give [[link removed]]
Here’s to spreading holiday hope!
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Christy Gleason
Executive Director
Save the Children Action Network
Donate by midnight on December 31st to 3X your impact — all thanks to a generous group of donors matching contributions up to $25,000. Get fed up and rush your gift for kids! [[link removed]]
Save the Children Action Network | 899 North Capitol Street NE | Suite 900 | Washington
District of Columbia 20002 | (800) 243-5075
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