We’re fighting for families in 2024. You can help!

Dear John,

There are only a few days left in 2023 and we’ve seen some incredible victories together this year. Our successes will support frontline communities and wild lands from the Gulf Coast to Alaska and from Brazil to Pennsylvania. 

But here’s the thing…there’s so much at stake in 2024! We need supporters like you to make a year-end donation today.

In 2024, we’re battling massive projects on the Gulf Coast — petrochemical plants, natural gas export terminals, pipelines — that would turbocharge oil and gas production in the Permian Basin and lock us into fossil fuels for generations. 

Big mining projects are putting families at risk from the West Coast to South America. Fracking, chemical plants and natural gas emissions are polluting air and water near neighborhoods and schools. 

And this is just the start. Communities and decision makers around the country rely on our Optical Gas Imaging cameras to show pollution. Local leaders rely on our organizing to give their communities additional expertise and an added voice in legislatures. We also bring your voice – and that of the global Earthworks community to the table! 

Please donate right now to make your online gift to Earthworks.

Your generosity will mean so much to families on the front lines of mining, energy projects and climate change. Every day we’re on the ground or on the phone with local partners who rely on Earthworks. And your support makes this critical work possible.

Thank you so much for being part of the Earthworks community.


Ann Corbett
Philanthropy Director, Earthworks

P.S. To win more victories for frontline communities and a sustainable future for all, we need you with us for another year. Please give whatever you can today. Thanks again!


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