Dear John,
I want to personally wish you a Happy New Year! Your unwavering support has been
instrumental in making Treatment Advocacy
Center the most innovative, intrepid, and impactful nonprofit advocating for change in how society views and treats those living with severe mental illness. I am truly grateful for your commitment to our cause.

With just a few days left until we welcome the new year, you still have time to make your tax-deductible donation and help us continue our work as the only national nonprofit dedicated exclusively to eliminating barriers to the treatment of SMI. Together, we can continue to improve the lives of everyone living with SMI and their families.

As we look ahead to 2024, I am excited about the opportunities TAC has to make an even greater impact. Your generosity has helped us expand our reach, implement new programs, and advocate for policies that transform the national landscape. With your continued support, we can bring about a brighter and better future for our entire community.
With gratitude,

Dr. E. Fuller Torrey
Founder Emeritus