Donate to empower our work!

Dear Friend,


We hope you have enjoyed your holidays! We want to extend our deep appreciation and gratitude for your support. We have been in awe with the influx of donations and messages from the field that highlight the importance of this work.


This year, we were able to not only push back on employers who abuse worker rights but we were also able to respond to the vast urgency of workers when they are retaliated against by being fired, having less hours, and more.

This year we proudly marched with our sibling unions, hosted Go-Gos at highschools to spread the word about the new minimum wage, and had two music festivals where people got information about their rights at work. 


We have been busy and as we look forward to 2024, we reminisce on our wins and feel proud to say that when our communities call, we answer! 

Now, we are asking you to continue to be there with us! If you are able, please consider giving to support our fight for worker’s rights.

In solidarity,

Sequnely Gray