Your support right now helps birds on the brink.
Year End 2X match up to $500,000; Donate Today; Bird Illustration;
National Audubon Society
Prevent a bird extinction crisis; Golden-cheeked Warbler
Golden-cheeked Warbler.
2x Match: 72 Hours Left; Stopwatch Graphic
Help Protect Beloved Birds
Last month, for the first time ever, the planet surpassed the two degree warming scenario scientists have long sounded the alarm on.

If our world continues to warm at this rate, it could spell disaster for 389 birds on the brink. In fact, under the most extreme warming scenario a bird like the Golden-cheeked Warbler could lose 92% of its range.

That’s why time is of the essence to do everything we can to protect birds in need, like the Golden-cheeked Warbler. Thanks to a generous group of donors, we’re matching all new gifts for the next 72 hours. But we still need 600 caring people to donate before midnight to stay on track and hit our year-end goal. Can we count on you to start a gift that renews automatically each year and gives birds protection they can depend on?
Don't let beloved birds disappear; Bird illustraions
Every single day, the effects of climate change become more and more apparent. And the latest dire milestone we hit is another warning that we're approaching thresholds where the damage done could be irreversible.

But with action there is always hope and there’s still time to correct course. We have over a century of expertise, tapping into research, education, advocacy, and conservation to protect birds and the places they need. With the support of dedicated bird lovers, we're restoring and protecting important habitats, advocating for critical climate legislation, and creating bird friendly spaces in our communities.
Birds Need Your Help
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It’s estimated that 1.5 million acres, nearly a third of the Golden-cheeked Warbler’s home range, disappeared between 1999 and 2011.
Bird Icon.
In the most extreme warming scenario the Golden-cheeked Warbler could lose 92% of its range.
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Nearly 400 North American bird species are at increasing risk of climate extinction.
But just how effective this work is depends on the support from committed supporters, like you.

In order to continue our work for birds like the Golden-cheeked Warbler, and all birds on the brink, we’re matching new gifts through the end of the year. Will you start an annual donation and be one of the 600 new donors we need today to amplify our impact for vulnerable birds?


National Audubon Society
Photo: Melissa Cheatwood/Audubon Photography Awards. Illustrations: Golden-cheeked Warbler, Piping Plover, Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo
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National Audubon Society
225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014 USA
(844) 428-3826

© 2023 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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