2 Steps to Prevent the Sexual Abuse of Millions of Children

Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” And with your help, we are moving far beyond a mere ounce of prevention.

In our efforts to end sexual abuse and exploitation, NCOSE seeks out the highest impact tactics that will prevent harm for the greatest amount of people. This is what we call “mass-scale prevention.” 

Together, we are preventing the sexual abuse of innumerable children—not just striving to put on band-aids and patch up wounds after they’ve already been abused (though survivor services are of course extremely important as well).

Two tactics which have an especially large impact in preventing child sexual abuse are:

  1. Preventing predator’s online access to children
  2. Preventing childhood pornography exposure, an established risk factor for child sexual abuse perpetration and victimization.

Why Prostitution is Not “Sex Work”

Since the 1970s, a tactical and politically driven agenda has been advanced to promote the global sex trade. This agenda has rested on the reframing of prostitution along two seemingly disparate lines, one being the promotion of prostitution as ordinary work, and the other being the promotion of prostituted people as a sexual minority.

Although powerful interest groups have expended a great deal of energy and finance in shifting public opinion on both these points, the reality is that neither of these things are true.  

Prostitution is neither sex nor work. Read more to learn why!

CDA 230: The Greatest Enabler of Online Sexual Exploitation

“We’ve reviewed the content, and didn’t find a violation of our policies, so no action will be taken at this time.”

This was Twitter’s (now called X) appalling response to a mother who reported child sexual abuse material (CSAM, a.k.a. “child pornography”) of her 13-year-old son. This is why the NCOSE Law Center is representing the boy and his mother in a lawsuit against Twitter

One would think a case like this would be a shoo-in. After all, Twitter knowingly possessed and distributed child sexual abuse material, which is illegal under federal law.

But here’s the appalling truth: the NCOSE Law Center has pursued this case all the way up to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. And so far, the Judges’ rulings have cleared Twitter of all charges.


“How is this possible?!” one may well ask.

It’s possible because of a specific law, which has been repeatedly misinterpreted as granting blanket immunity to tech companies for participating in a vast assortment of crimes.

The law is Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA 230). And it is the single greatest enabler of online sexual abuse and exploitation today.

If She Was Sold to Judges and Policemen, Who Should She Turn To?

For a split second, Jessica considered the impossible…should she say something? Ask for help? 

But in a flash, she made eye contact with a man sitting at the nearby hotel bar. Clean-cut, suit and tie, with a hint of grey around his temples. To other guests, he was the local judge. A man of honor and respect. 

But her stomach sank. She knew the truth—that he regularly paid her trafficker for access to sexually abuse her. 

“If you ever ID me, just know I’m friends with every cop and lawyer in town,” he told her the first time he’d exploited her. 

Of course, he didn’t need to say that at the time. Because she knew cops and lawyers in town regularly assaulted her as well—in fact, one was upstairs waiting for her right now...

Who was she supposed to reach out to, when the powerful men in town were sex buyers? 

Mass-Scale Prevention: Real Solutions to the Harms of Pornography

Perhaps you’re an overwhelmed parent, trying but failing to keep your children safe in a pornography-saturated world.

Perhaps you yourself struggle with pornography addiction, or your partner or loved one does.

Perhaps you’re a survivor of exploitation in the pornography industry, or you wish to help survivors.

There are so many different ways pornography harms people. Whether you’ve experienced this harm directly or indirectly, we understand the pain and frustration you’re likely feeling.

And we want to help.

In the digital age, the problem of pornography has become so vast, so unfettered, that the only true solution is to pursue systemic change. NCOSE’s 60+ years of experience has led us to conclude that the most effective way to help the most people is through mass-scale prevention.

What do we mean by that? Read more to find out!


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