You’re going to want to see some of these numbers. After all, they are about you.


That is the average contribution to our campaign. And while that might not seem like the kind of money that can swing an election, consider this number next:


That’s how many individual donations our campaign has received as of this morning. Now please give some real thought to this next number:


Your first $2.70 contribution before the polls close. That is what we’re asking for. It is what we need.

Because right now, there are thousands and thousands of people contributing $2.70 in response to this email. And by the time you’re done reading this sentence, someone else will have done the same. Now they’re counting on you. What do you say?

Can you make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign before the polls close tonight as a way of saying you believe we NEED Bernie Sanders as our next president?

We'll be in touch soon with updates from the polls. But before they close, let me take this opportunity to thank you for being such a special and important part of this campaign, and this movement. It means everything to Bernie.

All my best,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager