To Act for America Substack SubscribersFrom the Desk of Brigitte GabrielEnd-Of-Year Impact ReportWith gratitude, I present to you our End-Of-Year Impact Report. While you follow and support many organizations, I wish to thank you for joining our movement. You are appreciated beyond words! We’ve got a big fight ahead of us in 2024 and it’s important to understand who we are, why we are so effective, and how you can be a part of the change we desperately need in just minutes each week. Act for America is leveraging every possible grassroots tradecraft trick in the book to save America because we understand knowledge is powerless until it’s put into action! WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DOACT for America is the nation’s premier grassroots movement with over 2 million members and 424,682 activists dedicated to preserving America’s culture, security, and freedom through strategic coordinated activism. ACT for America organizes and mobilizes patriots through active local chapters and affiliated groups nationwide impacting policy and influencing legislation on local, state, and federal levels. We help groups coordinate messaging and action to produce measurable and impactful results. Join the Movement! ACT’s grassroots network has helped pass 210 state and federal bills. WHY WE ARE SO EFFECTIVEBRIGITTE GABRIEL, our Founder and Chairwoman, is a leading commentator on politics, culture, and national security. She is a household name in America and a world-renowned policy expert on Islamic Terrorism, National Security, Culture, and Freedom. ACT for America has built a strong grassroots movement over 20+ years, with a presence in 98% of US Counties allowing our members to participate in shaping policy at the state and federal level. The winning combination of a highly recognized and sought-after spokeswoman and incredible grassroots leadership ability has provided our movement with a hard-to-beat top-down, bottom-up grassroots movement that empowers our members to contribute and achieve real victories.
Through our ACT NOW Center, over 156 million emails, petitions, phone calls, and social media posts have been sent to elected officials, averaging over 5 million actions monthly! ACT NOW campaigns have become the most powerful conservative weapon in history because citizens are enabled to directly shape policy and hold government accountable with easy one-click lobby technology in 60 seconds or less! Your engagement has been astonishing! With your support, we’ve stopped hundreds of freedom-killing bills and ordinances while helping to pass 210 bills at the federal and state levels! Target Issues We Are Fighting in 2024!
We are in this battle to win. But we can’t do it without you. I am counting on you to stand behind us and beside us. Help us fight and get your free autographed copy of the NY Times Bestseller “Because They Hate” with your tax-deductible donation of $35, $50, $100, or more to ACT for America TODAY, and, together, we will be the Left’s worst nightmare! We do not receive government funding or grants and rely solely on member support. We must raise $128,000 by December 31st. Please send a tax-deductible year-end gift today. You're currently a free subscriber to Act for America. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |