Teens like Sandra go to extraordinary lengths to support each other in times of crisis.
Let's Support Them!
Identity’s non-clinical emotional support groups are empowering teens to help themselves and their friends manage difficult emotions. For Sandra, it was liberating.

Arriving from Honduras at the age of 17, Sandra was separated from her mother and younger sister until they reunited nearly two years later.  For those two years, she lived with her father who she hardly knew.  Sandra felt impossibly isolated, not knowing English or the school culture she was suddenly thrust into.  Plus, she missed her mother and sister desperately.

Life began to brighten when she joined the first Encuentros emotional support group for teens organized by the Wheaton High School Wellness Center. Designed in response to the youth mental health crisis, Encuentros provides young people with a safe space to engage in open, honest discussion about mental health challenges and share strategies for coping with them. The groups are co-led by staff and previous Encuentros participants like Sandra who are trained to be Youth Peer Leaders. The students who participated in Sandra’s Encuentros group are still among her closest, most trusted friends.

Sandra believes Encuentros has such transformative power that she wants to help it grow. She not only completed all the training required to be a Youth Peer Leader and group facilitator, but she is committed to spreading the word. In July, she presented the Encuentros model  at the 2023 National School-Based Health Care Conference in Washington, D.C. with Identity staff.
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“Before joining Encuentros I was very shy, but the program helped me to come out of my shell and be more open, while also growing and learning from other students,” Sandra says. “Being part of Encuentros, not only as a participant, but now also as a Youth Peer Leader, has helped me to support my younger sister, my family, and my friends.”

733 teens and 2,557 adults have participated in Encuentros groups since the beginning of the pandemic, learning skills to help themselves and others manage stress, anxiety and grief.
Every gift makes a difference
Please consider donating to Identity today to help make these essential emotional support services available to even more people, especially at a time when so many more people are seeking help.

You can 
donate online or mail a check to Identity, c/o Nonprofit Village, 15800 Crabbs Branch Way, Suite 300, Rockville, MD 20855. We also accept stock or other financial transfers. 
Sandra answers questions from the audience about her life-changing experience with the Encuentros program during the 2023 National School-Based Health Care Conference in Washington, D.C.
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