This critical public service needs your support
email hero image: Make your year-end donation to ProPublica by Dec. 31. Nonprofit, independent journalism powered by the people.

Hi Reader,

We’re in the final few days of the year and time is running out to make your year-end donation to ProPublica. Please take a moment today and join us with a gift of any amount. If you do, your donation will be matched, dollar for dollar up to $20,000, by anonymous donors from Berkeley, California.

Your gift today will support deep-dive journalism that reveals the stories behind the headlines — journalism that’s nonpartisan, fact-based and tremendously relevant as misinformation continues to spread like wildfire and trust in the press wanes. I know you believe in the power of this kind of journalism to right wrongs, and that’s why I’m asking you to stand up and show your support. Join us today, and your support will be doubled by this match.

Become a ProPublican today to help us shine a light on injustice and hold the people in power accountable. For just a few dollars, you can support this critical work and help ProPublica hit the ground running in 2024.


Ragan Rhyne
Senior Vice President, Development
Proud ProPublican

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