Today's most important news & opinions from Common Dreams
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The head of the local medical association called for a probe of the "flagrant violation of humanitarian law" committed against Palestinians injured by an Israeli drone strike that killed six people near Tulkarem.
"Our study suggests they have overwhelming financial incentives to continue to delay taking meaningful steps to protect children," said one Harvard researcher.
"I believe that slaughter cannot solve slaughter," said 18-year-old Tal Mitnick, who was sentenced to 30 days behind bars for refusing to participate in what a fellow draft resister called a "genocide" in Gaza.
"There is a global postcode lottery that is stacked against the poor," Christian Aid's chief executive said on the publication of the charity's annual list of the year's costliest climate-driven disasters.
Instead of imposing the same industrial model on the Arctic Ocean that has tragically failed the rest of the world, we need a new protective approach to this unique region, and soon.