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Ilhan Omar: Cancel 'Muslim' Travel Ban Now Even during corona crisis, she's still sticking to her false victim hood narrative Read and Share right-arrow.png
NY Brotherhood Activist Vows to Infect Others With Corona ISIS is also directing its sick jihadis to infect infidels Read and Share right-arrow.png
News Analysis
Iran Needs to Come Clean About Mass Graves, 'Corona Prisons' Are political dissidents being targeted during the crisis? Read and Share right-arrow.png
Readers Write
How the Brotherhood & Iran Have Infiltrated Canada
“Bottom line is you can't infiltrate unless the country allows you to come in.”
- R.R.
Bernie Sanders: Ilhan Omar Is “One of the Greatest People I Know”
“To Bernie, IIhan Omar is one of the greatest people he knows, among his others like Che Guevara, Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao, Castro. There is not a Communist, terrorist, dictator or jihadist that Bernie doesn't like.”
- A.E.

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