Reverse Trump Ballot Ban; Let Freedom Bells Ring!
by Lawrence Kadish • December 27, 2023 at 1:00 pm

It doesn't matter who you support for president of the United States during the 2024 election.
Whether you stand with Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., or a candidate who has to emerge from our time-tested democracy, the idea that a court in an individual state can arbitrarily rule a presidential candidate as ineligible to be on the ballot is a dagger thrust into the heart of our nation.
To be clear, the threat is so grave that, if allowed to stand, it could topple the very foundation of a "united" United States, where individual states would then determine whether they will participate in national elections based on four unelected individuals in black robes to determine for whom we can vote. The U.S. is not Iran, where voters are presented with a "sanitized" slate that has anyone who might disagree with the regime purged from appearing on it.