![]() Patriot, We hope you are enjoying a peaceful Christmas season with your family and friends and find yourself refreshed for the battles in the coming year. In less than two weeks – and for all we know, even sooner, since they’re completely unreliable – Congress will be back in session again. When they left Washington, D.C., Congress had just passed an unconscionable extension of a mass surveillance program (if you haven’t already seen how your representative and senators voted, the vote is posted here.) When they come back, we know they’re looking to spend another hundred billion dollars or so, principally on the failed Ukraine project, despite it being a completely catastrophic waste of money up until this point. The upcoming bill will be wrapped into a “foreign aid” package despite the fact it will bring nothing but more death and destruction to the countries it claims to support. And for the entire rest of the year, it will be a lot of partisan political games with the November election on the politicians’ minds, culminating in a decisive election that will determine the direction of our country. Our battles will be many. The politicians will want you to forget about the colossal failure in Ukraine that has not only killed hundreds of thousands but drained our military reserves to critical levels. They’ll want you to forget about the economic damage, the social damage, and the public health damage caused by their Covid-related tyranny from just a few short years ago. And they’ll want you to forget about their efforts to impose a total surveillance state upon the public, from a Central Bank Digital Currency to total surveillance over telecommunications. And it will be our job to make sure the people do NOT forget! Remember what happened the last time we had a Democrat president, Democrat-controlled Senate, and Republican-controlled House: 2013 and 2014. In 2013 we had a massive assault on gun rights, led by Barack Obama and the Democrats, demanding universal gun registration, a ban on assault weapons, and all the rest. But thanks to the organized, dedicated work of mobilized patriots, when the fight was finally over, not only was every gun control bill defeated, but in 2014, Democrats lost a net nine U.S. Senate seats and were brought to their smallest minority in the House since 1928. What happened? It took tremendous organization and hard work from patriots like you and other Campaign for Liberty supporters – and with your support, we delivered. When I think back over our achievements over the years, there are several victories people didn’t think were remotely possible. >>> You and I stopped EVERY attempt (by BOTH parties) to RAM their National ID database scheme into
law. If passed, this scheme would have allowed the government to create a database of EVERY American citizen – including everything
from gun ownership records and political activity, to love interests.
>>> We prevented the so-called “Green New Deal” and its predecessor, the “Cap and Tax” scheme, from becoming the law, even as these green energy schemes took hold in Europe and elsewhere in the world. >>> We created a massive backlash against the “Central Bank Digital Currency” scheme and held the line against efforts to bring it closer to passage. >>> We passed Audit the Fed in the House and got a roll call vote in the Senate, enabling us to hold those who voted “no” accountable in their next election. That’s why I’m counting on you to renew your support for Campaign for Liberty for 2024 at once, if you haven't already. Whether you can give $200 or even $25 today, we need to know that you’re still in the fight with us. If you didn’t see Dr. Paul’s recent message, please take a look – it’s included below – and if you can, please support Campaign for Liberty with your most generous contribution today. For Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty From: Ron Paul Subject: Buckle Up ![]() Patriot, Do you remember where things stood four years ago today? COVID-19 was virtually unheard of. The notion of forced lockdowns and mandated vaccinations was unthinkable. Election fraud issues were considered harmless conspiracy theories. The economy was booming in many ways. Despite many flaws, President Trump seemed to be cruising toward re-election. But before much longer, all hell broke loose. From the onset of the pandemic, the entire political establishment – including the mass media, Big Tech, and the Deep State – conspired to leverage it to influence the election and shut down opposing views on a myriad of issues, including the origins of Covid. The Deep State imposed a mass censorship regime on the Internet (especially through backroom deals and outright edicts to social media companies to suppress the truth), rewrote the rules on how elections are conducted, and in general seemed to inflict as much human misery as possible. Compare where we were then – eleven months before the presidential election – to where we are today. The war in Ukraine has been a human catastrophe and has largely depleted American military reserves. The conflict in Israel and Gaza threatens to explode into a regional war at any time. Despite all of this, and a recruitment crisis in the military, politicians in Washington are pushing for a conflict with China over Taiwan. The economy has been propped up by the Federal Reserve more so than ever before. At any time, the bubble might burst and plunge us into an inflationary recession to make 2008 seem minor by comparison. And the government has completely weaponized the Justice Department to target the political activity of patriots like you and me. What I’m getting at is that 2024 is going to be a political roller coaster like we’ve never seen. We don’t know exactly what the next “national emergency” might be, but we know to prepare for the worst. So with 2024 right around the corner – and Campaign for Liberty SURE to face many critical battles – you and I need to prepare NOW. Because if you and I don’t push back for liberty’s sake, who will? Patriot, can I count on you to please renew your support for Campaign for Liberty with your most generous contribution, right away? The truth is, the coming year is going to be an absolutely critical year for those of us who believe in liberty and limited government. With your help, 2024 could very well be the year our efforts to audit (and then end) the Fed gain significant traction, especially as economic conditions continue to deteriorate. But we also need to be ready to mount a substantial defense against serious threats that are already on the horizon. . . Battles over a digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currency, gun control, so-called “climate” legislation, expanded government spying, election theft masquerading as “reform,” billions upon billions of your dollars for endless war, and more are all in the works. And the Federal Reserve is at the root of every one of these problems you and I face. After all, Congress could not recklessly raid the treasury to fund these endeavors if the Fed wasn’t there to back up their spending spree with endless piles of fiat dollars. You and I both know the Fed is more out of control than ever before with their “print money now, ask questions later” policy. And with the big banksters and their cronyism going at full speed while the economy is on the brink of collapse, you can be sure the Fed will be up to even more tricks. The truth is, I don’t know how much more we can take. Our national debt is now a whopping $33.9 TRILLION . . . and rising fast. Every U.S. taxpayer is now on the hook for $259,949. And even if you whipped out your checkbook to pay “your part,” it wouldn’t cover one red cent of this year’s government spending. All it would do is go to pay off past debt. Various studies have even shown if you took every single cent of wealth from the U.S. billionaires, it would fund less than one year of government spending. But the problem isn’t billionaires. The problem is how much politicians spend. And it’s not just one party that’s responsible! Just consider BOTH parties’ power-drunk response to the COVID-19 hysteria and funding the war in Ukraine. In order to keep spending like they do, Congress needs the Fed to keep creating more and more money out of thin air. The problem is, average Americans are now feeling the end result of all this money creation every time they pay their bills or go to the grocery store and gas station. With no end in sight to Congress’ inflationary spending, the Fed needs a way to control how YOU spend (or save) your money. Which leads to their biggest goal in 2024 – implementing a digital dollar they fully control. A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) would give the government the ability to track what you are purchasing and even prevent you from buying items you want, including firearms for self-protection. Because if they can’t take your guns through gun control – and they will try that again in 2024 as well – they will just do an end around. The globalists are salivating at the notion of using a CBDC for social engineering. As one central banker put it, “You could think of giving your children pocket money but programming the money so that it couldn’t be used for sweets. There is a whole range of things that money could do, programmable money, which we cannot do with the current technology.” It’s revealing the banking elites view the population as unruly children they need to control. And the “sweets” they really want to control include firearms . . . what you drive . . . what you eat . . . where you live . . . your health care choices . . . One pro-CBDC exec even had the audacity to say a Central Bank Digital Currency could work like vouchers, with a similar goal of restricting YOU to buying only what the powers-that-be deem as “essentials” with YOUR money. And would it surprise you to find out this exec is a member of the World Economic Forum’s CBDC Working Group? The same WEF behind the so-called “Great Reset!” You and I also face other threats to our liberties in the form of more government spying on American citizens, “Green New Deal” legislation, and even more restrictions from the next health crisis. Unless you and I stop them! In 1775, Patrick Henry famously challenged fellow patriots with the brave words, “As for me, give me liberty or give me death!” With the slim majority in the U.S. House and proof by experience that most Republicans will not defend liberty, you and I need to be ready for many battles in 2024. From every corner, freedom is under assault. The statists are on the march, and they will not give up until our liberties have been completely wiped out. That’s why I’m counting on you to renew your support for Campaign for Liberty for 2024 at once, if you haven't already. With so much at stake in the coming year, I’m asking all Campaign for Liberty supporters to step up to help ensure Campaign for Liberty can hit the ground running in 2024. Can you make a generous donation of $1,000, $500, or $200 today? I realize for many, that’s a lot to ask for. But you know just as well as I do that the moment we stop fighting is the moment we lose everything. Of course, if $200 is just too much, will you please agree to $100, $50, or at least $25? 2024 is an “all-hands-on-deck” moment for the Liberty Movement. Each and every one of us have a role to play. It will take work. But it’s work our R3VOLUTION has proven we can do. Please renew your support for Campaign for Liberty at once by clicking here and making a generous end-of-year contribution. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. With 2024 right around the corner – and Campaign for Liberty SURE to face many critical battles - you and I need to prepare NOW. With your help, 2024 could very well be the year our efforts to audit (and then end) the Fed gain significant traction, especially as economic conditions continue to deteriorate. But we also need to be ready to mount a substantial defense against serious threats that are already on the horizon. . . Battles over a digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currency, gun control, so-called “climate” legislation, expanded government spying, election theft masquerading as “reform,” billions upon billions of your dollars for endless war, and more are all in the works. Can I count on you to please renew your support for Campaign for Liberty by clicking here and making your most generous contribution, right away? If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great
American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of
education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |