Because you’re reading this, I trust you know that FIRST THINGS is not like any other journal. FIRST THINGS not only sharpens my intellect; it expands my (sometimes cold, grinchy) heart. It feeds my soul.
As a FIRST THINGS subscriber, you become part of a circle of friends passionate about, well, first things—that is, the things of God first and foremost, and the things that befit his ways and word to us.
Every issue of FIRST THINGS—especially in those dark years of “lockdown”—calls to mind this vital truth: I’m not alone. There are at least 30,000 strong out there who’ve not bent the knee to Baal, either. And such assurance is literally priceless.
Of course, publishing this priceless journal does itself come with a price. For more than thirty years, FIRST THINGS readers have answered this call, giving generously to make this journal and community possible—nay, thrive.
Will you answer the call today?
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