Big Campaign alert!!! The filing period ended a few weeks back and we are UNOPPOSED in the Republican Primary. That is HUGE! Thank you SO MUCH to all of our wonderful supporters who helped make it happen.
So, I am YOUR Republican Nominee for County Commissioner in Precinct 3. That's the good news! The bad news is that means I will be the target of local, state, and national Democrats as they try to change Tarrant County blue. Right now, Republicans hold a 3-2 advantage on the Commissioner's Court. So, if the Democrats can flip our seat, they will have the majority on the Commissioner's Court. The Democrats would love to flip the last, large conservative county in the entire country blue. We cannot allow that to happen! We MUST keep Tarrant County RED!!!
I, my family, and our team are up to the challenge. And we know you are too! We have a big campaign deadline coming up on December 31st. We want to send a loud and clear message that we ARE going to Keep Tarrant County RED! I would be honored to have your help and support by making a donation before the deadline. You can do so at the link below.
Once again, on behalf of our entire family, THANK YOU for making me the Republican Nominee for Precinct 3. Let's finish this off next November. But that effort starts today! Happy New Year and Let's Keep Tarrant RED!!!
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Thank you. And may God richly bless you and your family.

Team Matt Krause
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Matt Krause Campaign · 8901 Tehama Ridge Pkwy, Ste 127 · Box 113 · Fort Worth, TX 76177 · USA