We know how much you care about keeping the Senate blue, so we're reaching out to engaged Democrats like YOU for help as we ring in the election year:
Because you're one of Debbie's most reliable supporters, we're giving you an exclusive early opportunity to help her hit her
It's our last chance to build momentum to DEFEAT Rick Scott before the election year officially begins.
Friend — Team DMP HQ is fired up for the new year!
Right now, Debbie's polling 1 point ahead of Rick Scott, while his approval ratings across the board and among independent voters are TANKING.
But that doesn't mean we can slow down, friend. Not when Rick Scott's already spent $3 MILLION on attack ads.
And since he's worth up to a quarter-of-a-billion dollars, there's plenty more where that came from ...
We know that Rick Scott's spending is only going to increase once 2024 begins. That's why we've set a HUGE $300,000 end-of-quarter goal to make sure that team Debbie is ready to fight back!
We're counting on help from Debbie's most committed supporters to start out 2024 stronger than ever before. So please, friend: Will you rush an early gift of $5 or more ahead of our last end-of-quarter deadline to help Debbie END Rick Scott's Senate career next year? >>
If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: