
Our "New Year's Resolution" for 2024 must be:  To "Turn Swords into Plowshares" or, as explained by the Prophet Isaiah (2:4):  “They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”

This Friday's Symposium at 8 pm will feature Executive Intelligence Review author Richard Freeman, whose team recently concluded a report entitled: "Turn the Military-Financial Complex to Useful Production."  

In the report, Freeman quotes Christian Sorenson who wrote in his book Understanding the War Industry:

" The big banks and investment firms are in actuality, the foremost propellants of the war industry’s influence.... When war corporations are merging or acquiring other corporations ...banks like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley serve as financial advisors. The top five investors in shares of Lockheed Martin are giant financial firms.... They know war production is a reliable, steady investment."

The US debt is now 123% of GDP, and the interest on the debt is  over $1 trillion.   The military budget is over $800 billion.  The US spends more on "defense"  than the next 10 countries combined.  Yet on U.S. military bases, American troops and families complain of food insufficiency.

Join us this Friday at 8 pm on the Sare Symposium to learn how the United States could completely retool this massive, wasteful  weapons industry to produce components for high speed rail, nuclear power plants, and many other necessary products to rebuild America.

NY Symposium, Friday, December 29, 8:00 pm: "Swords to Plowshares: Retooling the US Military Financial Complex"


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