Thanks so much to our very special matching donors!

For this year's End-of-the-Year campaign, Lauren Hoy, Zack Deutsch-Gross, and another anonymous SFTR member have graciously agreed to match the donations you're making to SFTR.That means that any donation you make will have double the impact.

Thank you to these members for going above and beyond to support our organization and the work we do!

Learn more about Lauren and Zack, and why they find it important to support transit advocacy in 2024, in a special interview with them down below!


What are your thoughts on the potential/realities of San Francisco as a rider-first city?

Lauren and Zack: Public transit is the lifeblood of San Francisco. It's what gets students to school, connects shoppers to vital local businesses and turns the city from a patchwork of neighborhoods into a diverse, multicolored fabric full of wonder and opportunity. It's easy to be frustrated with what it's not (fast, reliable, accessible), but we shouldn't let that distract us from celebrating what public transit provides for San Francisco and for each of us.


What made you decide to choose San Francisco Transit Riders for your year-end giving?

Lauren and Zack: SFTR creates an essential vessel for the wide range of riders to celebrate and improve our transit system. No other transportation organization in San Francisco gathers inputs from riders and gives them a direct line to policy makers like SFTR does. We're excited to help SFTR lift up the voices of riders like us!

How do you imagine the role of advocates in the current context of public transportation in the broader region?

Lauren and Zack: Advocates have a huge role to play in the Bay Area, especially in 2024 and beyond. With so much divisiveness and distrust in government right now, it's really important for advocates to paint a picture of what could be, to inspire riders and politicians alike, to reaffirm our collective commitment to sustainable, accessible, and thriving communities and to provide a roadmap of how we get there. Now more than ever we are in need of hope and vision. Advocates are essential to the collective reimagining of what is possible.


Add "Increasing my involvement with SFTR" to the top of your New Year's Resolutions list!


Take advantage of an SFTR membership by joining a working group, participating in our Slack community, attending social events, and contributing your transit concerns to our advocacy priorities. 

Become a member BEFORE January 15, 2024, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and participate in our End-of-the-Year giving campaign. Help us continue to be successful in centering the needs of riders in transit policies and investments in the coming year.


We can't wait to see you at our General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, January 24th, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm!

Do you have ideas for transit advocacy in 2024? Well, we want to hear them! Join your fellow San Francisco Transit Riders members, staff, and our Board of Directors in our first General Membership Meeting of the new year. Here, you'll be able to participate in strategic updates, brainstorming, and learn about more opportunities to get involved.

Save the date in your calendar now, and we'll send you more details in the New Year.

John- Become a member todayYour membership provides access to member benefits, special access to events, opportunities to inform our priorities, and to help us lead the fight for Muni funding!


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