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Our work continues...

Dear John,

The end of each year always brings about a time of reflection, and 2023 is no different. For all of us at the National Disability Rights Network and our member agencies, we look back upon the strides our community has made this year to advance the rights of people with disabilities. But we also recognize how much more progress we need to forge to gain full equity and access in this nation.

The support of people like you is key to building that future. Please consider donating to our end of year giving campaign.

Representing the interests of our members, the Protection and Advocacy agencies, is a responsibility we take seriously. Because the organizations in our Network get government funding, they are limited in their ability to advocate on Capitol Hill. That means it’s up to NDRN – and you - to ensure they continue to receive the support they need to provide services to people with disabilities across every U.S. state and territory.

Not only that, because our members need a robust legal foundation to do their work, we are advocating for stronger laws that protect and expand the rights of people with disabilities. Just this past year alone we secured the introduction of bills fighting for more accessible transportation, equitable criminal justice, website accessibility, to save Social Security, and more inclusive emergency response.

As we look back on the steps we’ve taken this year, we ask for you to contribute to our efforts with a donation that allows us to continue to expand our reform work on Capitol Hill and our commitment to civil and human rights.

An equitable future will never come without the persistence and dedication of disability rights advocates. We will not stop in our fight until people with disabilities achieve the justice and fair treatment that our community deserves.

As you make your year-end contributions, please give support to our advocacy. 

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National Disability Rights Network
820 First Street NE Suite 740 | Washington, District of Columbia 20002
(202) 408-9514 | [email protected]

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